data/tests1.dat: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 Test 20 of 112 in data/tests1.dat failed. Input:
X Got: | | | | | | | |

Got: | | | | | | | | | | | | |





| | | | | | |
| | | "X" Expected: | | | | | | | |
| | "X" Test 21 of 112 in data/tests1.dat failed. Input:


World Got: | | | |

| "Hello" |

| "World" Expected: | | | |

| "Hello" |

| "World" Test 22 of 112 in data/tests1.dat failed. Input:


Got: | | | | |

| "X" |

| | "Y" | "Z" | Expected: | | | | |

| | "X" | | "Y" | "Z" Test 23 of 112 in data/tests1.dat failed. Input: Got: | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |
| | |
      | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | </TEXTAREA> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <br> | <p> Test 111 of 112 in data/tests1.dat failed. Input: <table><tr></strong></b></em></i></u></strike></s></blink></tt></pre></big></small></font></select></h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6></body></br></a></img></title></span></style></script></table></th></td></tr></frame></area></link></param></hr></input></col></base></meta></basefont></bgsound></embed></spacer></p></dd></dt></caption></colgroup></tbody></tfoot></thead></address></blockquote></center></dir></div></dl></fieldset></listing></menu></ol></ul></li></nobr></wbr></form></button></marquee></object></html></frameset></head></iframe></image></isindex></noembed></noframes></noscript></optgroup></option></plaintext></textarea> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | </STRONG> | </B> | </EM> | </I> | </U> | </STRIKE> | </S> | </BLINK> | </TT> | <> | <pre> | </BIG> | </SMALL> | </FONT> | </SELECT> | <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> | <br> | </A> | </IMG> | </TITLE> | </SPAN> | </STYLE> | </SCRIPT> | </TH> | </TD> | </TR> | </FRAME> | </AREA> | </LINK> | </PARAM> | </HR> | </INPUT> | </COL> | </META> | </BASEFONT> | </BGSOUND> | </EMBED> | <p> | </CAPTION> | </COLGROUP> | </TBODY> | </TFOOT> | </THEAD> | <address> | <blockquote> | <center> | <dir> | <div> | <dl> | <fieldset> | <listing> | <menu> | <ol> | <ul> | </NOBR> | </WBR> | </FORM> | </BUTTON> | </MARQUEE> | </OBJECT> | </FRAMESET> | </IFRAME> | </IMG> | </ISINDEX> | </NOEMBED> | </NOFRAMES> | </NOSCRIPT> | </OPTGROUP> | </OPTION> | <plaintext> | </TEXTAREA> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <br> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <p> data/tests2.dat: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Test 4 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <frame>test Got: | <FRAME> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "test" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "test" Test 5 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset>test Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 6 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset><!DOCTYPE html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 7 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><font><p><b>test</font> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <font> | <p> | <b> | "test" | <p> | <b> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <font> | <p> | <font> | <b> | "test" Test 8 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><dt><div><dd> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <dt> | <div> | <dd> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <dt> | <div> | <dd> Test 9 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <script></x Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</x" | <body> Test 10 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <table><plaintext><td> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <plaintext> | "<td>" | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <plaintext> | "<td>" | <table> Test 12 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><table><tr>TEST Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | "TEST" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "TEST" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 13 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body t1=1><body t2=2><body t3=3 t4=4> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | t1="1" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | t1="1" | t2="2" | t3="3" | t4="4" Test 14 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: </b test Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "</b test" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 15 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html></b test<b &=&amp>X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | </B> | &="&" | test<b="" | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" Test 16 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!doctypehtml><scrIPt type=text/x-foobar;baz>X</SCRipt Got: | <!-- doctypehtml --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | type="text/x-foobar;baz" | "X</SCRipt" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | type="text/x-foobar;baz" | "X</SCRipt" | <body> Test 23 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!doctypehtml><p><li> Got: | <!-- doctypehtml --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <li> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <li> Test 24 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!doctypehtml><p><dt> Got: | <!-- doctypehtml --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <dt> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <dt> Test 25 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!doctypehtml><p><dd> Got: | <!-- doctypehtml --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <dd> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <dd> Test 26 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!doctypehtml><p><form> Got: | <!-- doctypehtml --> | <html> | <head> | <form> | <form> | <body> | <p> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <form> Test 27 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><p></P>X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | "X" Test 30 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><thisISasillyTESTelementNameToMakeSureCrazyTagNamesArePARSEDcorrectLY> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <thisISasillyTESTelementNameToMakeSureCrazyTagNamesArePARSEDcorrectLY> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <thisisasillytestelementnametomakesurecrazytagnamesareparsedcorrectly> Test 31 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X</body>X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "XX" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "XX" Test 32 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><!-- X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "<!-- X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <!-- X --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 33 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><table><caption>test TEST</caption><td>test Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | "test TEST" | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "test" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | "test TEST" | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "test" Test 34 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><select><option><optgroup> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> | <optgroup> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> | <optgroup> Test 35 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option></optgroup><option><select><option> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> | <option> | <option> | <OPTION> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> | <option> | <option> | <option> Test 36 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option><optgroup> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> | <option> | <optgroup> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> | <option> | <optgroup> Test 37 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><font><input><input></font> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <font> | <input> | <input> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <font> | <input> | <input> Test 38 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX --> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <!-- XXX - XXX --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <!-- XXX - XXX --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 39 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "<!-- XXX - XXX" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <!-- XXX - XXX --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 40 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX - XXX --> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <!-- XXX - XXX - XXX --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <!-- XXX - XXX - XXX --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 41 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <isindex test=x name=x> Got: | <html> | <head> | <form> | <form> | <body> | <hr> | "You can search this index. Type the keyword(s) you want to search for:" | <input> | name="isindex" | test="x" | <hr> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <form> | <hr> | <label> | "This is a searchable index. Insert your search keywords here: " | <input> | name="isindex" | test="x" | <hr> Test 42 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: test test Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "test test" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "test test" Test 43 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><title>test</body></title> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <title> | "test</body>" Test 44 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><title>X</title><meta name=z><link rel=foo><style> x { content:"</style" } </style> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> | <meta> | name="z" | <link> | rel="foo" | <style> | " x { content:"</style" } " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <title> | "X" | <meta> | name="z" | <link> | rel="foo" | <style> | " x { content:"</style" } " Test 45 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup></optgroup></select> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <optgroup> Test 47 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 48 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><script> </script> <title>x</title> </head> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <script> | " " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | " " | " " | <title> | "x" | " " | <body> Test 49 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body><html id=x> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | id="x" | <head> | <body> Test 50 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X</body><html id="x"> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | id="x" | <head> | <body> | "X" Test 51 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><head><html id=x> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | id="x" | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | id="x" | <head> | <body> Test 52 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X</html>X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "XX" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "XX" Test 53 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X</html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X " Test 54 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X</html><p>X Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <p> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <p> | "X" Test 55 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html>X<p/x/y/z> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <p> | x="" | y="" | z="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <p> | x="" | y="" | z="" Test 56 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><!--x-- Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "<!--x--" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <!-- x --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 57 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td></p></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <p> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <p> Test 58 of 58 in data/tests2.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML>><!--<!--x-->--> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | ">" | <!-- <!--x --> | "-->" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE <!doctype> | <html> | <head> | <body> | ">" | <!-- <!--x --> | "-->" data/tests3.dat: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Test 2 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <head></head><!-- --><style></style><!-- --><script></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <!-- --> | <style> | <!-- --> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <script> | <!-- --> | <!-- --> | <body> Test 3 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <head></head><!-- -->x<style></style><!-- --><script></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <!-- --> | <body> | "x" | <style> | <!-- --> | <script> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <!-- --> | <body> | "x" | <style> | <!-- --> | <script> Test 4 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre> </pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> Test 5 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre> foo</pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "foo" Test 6 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre> foo</pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | " foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | " foo" Test 7 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre> foo </pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "foo " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "foo " Test 8 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x</pre><span> </span></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x" | <span> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x" | <span> | " " Test 9 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x y</pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x y" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x y" Test 10 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x<div> y</pre></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x" | <div> | " y" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <pre> | "x" | <div> | " y" Test 11 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><HTML><META><HEAD></HEAD></HTML> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <meta> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <meta> | <body> Test 12 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><head></HEAD></HTML> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 14 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <title>foo<span>bar</em><i>baz Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "foo<span>bar</em><i>baz" | <body> Test 15 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><textarea> </textarea> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> Test 16 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><textarea> foo</textarea> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "foo" Test 17 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><textarea> foo</textarea> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | " foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | " foo" Test 18 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><ul><li><div><p><li></ul></body></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <ul> | <li> | <div> | <p> | <li> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <ul> | <li> | <div> | <p> | <li> Test 19 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><nobr><nobr><nobr> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <nobr> | <nobr> | <nobr> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <nobr> | <nobr> | <nobr> Test 20 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><nobr><nobr></nobr><nobr> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <nobr> | <nobr> | <nobr> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <nobr> | <nobr> | <nobr> Test 21 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><html><body><p><table></table></body></html> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <table> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <table> Test 22 of 22 in data/tests3.dat failed. Input: <p><table></table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <table> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <table> data/tests4.dat: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Test 2 of 6 in data/tests4.dat failed. Input: textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup Got: | Expected: | "textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup" Test 3 of 6 in data/tests4.dat failed. Input: this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element Got: | Expected: | "this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element" Test 4 of 6 in data/tests4.dat failed. Input: </plaintext> Got: | Expected: | "</plaintext>" Test 5 of 6 in data/tests4.dat failed. Input: setting html's innerHTML Got: | Expected: | <head> | <body> | "setting html's innerHTML" Test 6 of 6 in data/tests4.dat failed. Input: <title>setting head's innerHTML</title> Got: | Expected: | <title> | "setting head's innerHTML" data/tests5.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 Test 1 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <style> <!-- </style> --> </style>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | " <!-- " | " " | <body> | "--> x" Test 2 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <style> <!--> </style>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | " <!--> " | <body> | "x" Test 3 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <style> <!---> </style>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | " <!---> " | <body> | "x" Test 4 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <iframe> <!---> </iframe>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | " <!---> " | "x" Test 5 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <iframe> <!--- </iframe>->x</iframe> --> </iframe>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | " <!--- " | "->x --> x" Test 6 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <script> <!-- </script> --> </script>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | " <!-- " | " " | <body> | "--> x" Test 7 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <title> <!-- </title> --> </title>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | " <!-- " | " " | <body> | "--> x" Test 8 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <textarea> <!--- </textarea>->x</textarea> --> </textarea>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | " <!--- </textarea>->x</textarea> --> " | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | " <!--- " | "->x --> x" Test 9 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <style> <!</-- </style>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | " <!</-- " | <body> | "x" Test 10 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <p><xmp></xmp> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <xmp> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <xmp> Test 12 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <title>&amp;</title> Got: | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "&" | <body> Test 13 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <title><!--&amp;--></title> Got: | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "<!--&-->" | <body> Test 14 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <title><!--</title> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "<!--" | <body> Test 15 of 15 in data/tests5.dat failed. Input: <noscript><!--</noscript>--></noscript> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<!--" | <body> | "-->" data/tests6.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Test 1 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><form><div></form><div> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <form> | <body> | <div> | <div> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <form> | <div> | <div> Test 2 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><title>&amp;</title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "&" | <body> Test 3 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><title><!--&amp;--></title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "<!--&-->" | <body> Test 4 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!doctype> Got: | <!-- doctype --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE > | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 5 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!---x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "<!---x" Expected: | <!-- -x --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 6 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <body> <div> Got: | <div> Expected: | " " | <div> Test 7 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <frameset></frameset> foo Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> | "foo" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " Test 8 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <frameset></frameset> <noframes> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <head> | <title> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " | <noframes> Test 9 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <frameset></frameset> <div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> | <div> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " Test 10 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <frameset></frameset> </html> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " Test 11 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <frameset></frameset> </div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> | <div> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " Test 12 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <form><form> Got: | <html> | <head> | <form> | <FORM> | <form> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <form> Test 13 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <button><button> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <button> | type="button" | <button> | type="button" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <button> | <button> Test 14 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tr><td></th> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | </TH> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> Test 16 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><caption><div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> Test 18 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><caption><div></caption> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> | <> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> Test 19 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><caption></table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> Test 21 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><caption></body></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | </COL> | </COLGROUP> | </TBODY> | </TD> | </TFOOT> | </TH> | </THEAD> | </TR> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> Test 22 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><caption><div></div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <div> Test 23 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tr><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | </CAPTION> | </COL> | </COLGROUP> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> Test 25 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><colgroup>foo Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <colgroup> | <> | "foo" | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "foo" | <table> | <colgroup> Test 26 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: foo<col> Got: | "foo" | <COL> Expected: | <col> Test 27 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><colgroup></col> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <colgroup> | </COL> | <> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <colgroup> Test 29 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </frameset><frame> Got: | Expected: | <frame> Test 32 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tr><div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | <div> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 33 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </tr><td> Got: | Expected: | <td> Test 34 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </tbody></tfoot></thead><td> Got: | Expected: | <td> Test 35 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tr><div><td> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | <div> | <td> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> Test 36 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <caption><col><colgroup><tbody><tfoot><thead><tr> Got: | Expected: | <tr> Test 37 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tbody></thead> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | </THEAD> | <> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> Test 38 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </table><tr> Got: | Expected: | <tr> Test 39 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tbody></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th></tr> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | </CAPTION> | </COL> | </COLGROUP> | </TD> | </TH> | </TR> | <> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> Test 40 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><tbody></div> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <> | <div> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> Test 41 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table><table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <table> | <> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <table> Test 42 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | </CAPTION> | </COL> | </COLGROUP> | </TBODY> | </TD> | </TFOOT> | </TH> | </THEAD> | </TR> | <> | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> Test 43 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </table><tr> Got: | Expected: | <tbody> | <tr> Test 44 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <body></body></html> Got: | Expected: | <head> | <body> Test 45 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <html><frameset></frameset></html> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | " " Test 46 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><html></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 47 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <param><frameset></frameset> Got: | <PARAM> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 48 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: <source><frameset></frameset> Got: | <html> | <head> | <source> | <:source> | <frameset> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 49 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </html><frameset></frameset> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 50 of 50 in data/tests6.dat failed. Input: </body><frameset></frameset> Got: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> data/tests7.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Test 1 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><title>X</title></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> | <table> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <title> | "X" | <table> Test 2 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><head></head><title>X</title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "X" | <body> Test 3 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html></head><title>X</title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "X" | <body> Test 4 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><meta></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <meta> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <meta> | <table> Test 5 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table>X<tr><td><table> <meta></table></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "X" | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <table> | <meta> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <meta> | <table> | " " Test 6 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><html> <head> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 7 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html> <head> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 8 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><style> <tr>x </style> </table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <style> | " <tr>x " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <style> | " <tr>x " | " " Test 9 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><TBODY><script> <tr>x </script> </table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <script> | " <tr>x " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <script> | " <tr>x " | " " Test 10 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><p><applet><p>X</p></applet> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <applet> | altHtml="<p>X</p>" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <applet> | <p> | "X" Test 11 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><listing> X</listing> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <listing> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <listing> | "X" Test 12 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><select><input>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <input> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <input> | "X" Test 13 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><select><select>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "X" Test 14 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><input type=hidDEN></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <input> | type="hidden" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <input> | type="hidDEN" Test 15 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table>X<input type=hidDEN></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "X" | <input> | type="hidden" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <table> | <input> | type="hidDEN" Test 16 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> <input type=hidDEN></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <input> | type="hidden" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | " " | <input> | type="hidDEN" Test 17 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> <input type='hidDEN'></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <input> | type="hidden" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | " " | <input> | type="hidDEN" Test 18 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><input type=" hidden"><input type=hidDEN></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <input> | type=" hidden" | <input> | type="hidden" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <input> | type=" hidden" | <table> | <input> | type="hidDEN" Test 19 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><select>X<tr> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <select> | "X" | <tbody> | <tr> | <> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "X" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 20 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><select>X</select> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "X" Test 21 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE hTmL><html></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE hTmL --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 22 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE HTML><html></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE HTML --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> Test 23 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <body>X</body></body> Got: | Expected: | <head> | <body> | "X" Test 25 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <table><tr><td><code></code> </table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <code> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <code> | " " Test 26 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <table><b><tr><td>aaa</td></tr>bbb</table>ccc Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <b> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "aaa" | <> | "bbb" | <b> | "ccc" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <b> | <b> | "bbb" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "aaa" | <b> | "ccc" Test 27 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: A<table><tr> B</tr> B</table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "A" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | "B" | <> | "B" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "A B B" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 28 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: A<table><tr> B</tr> </em>C</table> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "A" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | "B" | </EM> | <> | "C" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "A BC" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | " " Test 29 of 29 in data/tests7.dat failed. Input: <select><keygen> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <keygen> data/tests8.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Test 1 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <div>x<div></div> </span>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | </SPAN> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | " x" Test 2 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <div>x<div></div>x</span>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "x" | </SPAN> | "x" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "xx" Test 3 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <div>x<div></div>y</span>z Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "y" | </SPAN> | "z" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "yz" Test 4 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <table><div>x<div></div>x</span>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "x" | </SPAN> | "x" | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | "x" | <div> | "xx" | <table> Test 5 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: x<table>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "x" | <table> | <> | "x" | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "xx" | <table> Test 6 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: x<table><table>x Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "x" | <table> | <tbody> | <table> | <> | "x" | <tbody> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | "x" | <table> | "x" | <table> Test 7 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <b>a<div></div><div></b>y Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <b> | "a" | <div> | <div> | <div> | "y" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <b> | "a" | <div> | <div> | <b> | "y" Test 8 of 8 in data/tests8.dat failed. Input: <a><div><p></a> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <a> | <div> | <p> | <div> | <p> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <a> | <div> | <a> | <p> | <a> data/tests9.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Test 1 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><math></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> Test 2 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><select><math></math></select> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> Test 3 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><math></math></option></select> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> Test 4 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math></math></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <math> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <table> Test 5 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi></math></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <table> Test 6 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <table> Test 7 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <table> | <tbody> Test 8 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 9 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></td></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" Test 10 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 11 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</caption></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 12 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <math> | <math> | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Test 13 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | "baz" | <math> | <math> | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Test 14 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <colgroup> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <math> | <math> | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <table> | <colgroup> | <p> | "quux" Test 15 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <p> | "quux" Test 16 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <table> | <p> | "quux" Test 17 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 18 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body></body><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math> | <mi> | "foo" | <mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math mi> | "foo" | <math mi> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 19 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 20 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 21 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><math xlink:href=foo></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | <math> | xlink:href="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | <math math> | xlink href="foo" Test 22 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></mi></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <math> | <mi> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <math math> | <math mi> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" Test 23 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <math> | <mi> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <math math> | <math mi> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" Test 24 of 24 in data/tests9.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <math> | <mi> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <math math> | <math mi> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" | "bar" data/tests10.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Test 1 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><svg></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> Test 2 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><select><svg></svg></select> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> Test 3 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><svg></svg></option></select> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | <option> Test 4 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg></svg></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <svg svg> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <table> Test 5 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g></svg></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <table> Test 6 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <table> Test 7 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <table> | <tbody> Test 8 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 9 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></td></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" Test 10 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 11 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</caption></table> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 12 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Test 13 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <caption> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Test 14 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <colgroup> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <p> | "quux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" | <table> | <colgroup> | <p> | "quux" Test 15 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <select> | "foobarbazquux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <p> | "quux" Test 16 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | <select> | "foobarbazquux" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <select> | "foobarbaz" | <table> | <p> | "quux" Test 17 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 18 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body></body><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg g> | "foo" | <svg g> | "bar" | <p> | "baz" Test 19 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 20 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> Test 21 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><svg xlink:href=foo></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | <svg svg> | xlink:href="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | <svg svg> | xlink href="foo" Test 22 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></g></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" Test 23 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" Test 24 of 24 in data/tests10.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink:href="" | xml:lang="" | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | xlink:href="foo" | xml:lang="en" | <svg svg> | <svg g> | xlink href="foo" | xml lang="en" | "bar" data/tests11.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Test 1 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><BODY><SVG ATTRIBUTENAME='' ATTRIBUTETYPE='' BASEFREQUENCY='' BASEPROFILE='' CALCMODE='' CLIPPATHUNITS='' CONTENTSCRIPTTYPE='' CONTENTSTYLETYPE='' DIFFUSECONSTANT='' EDGEMODE='' EXTERNALRESOURCESREQUIRED='' FILTERRES='' FILTERUNITS='' GLYPHREF='' GRADIENTTRANSFORM='' GRADIENTUNITS='' KERNELMATRIX='' KERNELUNITLENGTH='' KEYPOINTS='' KEYSPLINES='' KEYTIMES='' LENGTHADJUST='' LIMITINGCONEANGLE='' MARKERHEIGHT='' MARKERUNITS='' MARKERWIDTH='' MASKCONTENTUNITS='' MASKUNITS='' NUMOCTAVES='' PATHLENGTH='' PATTERNCONTENTUNITS='' PATTERNTRANSFORM='' PATTERNUNITS='' POINTSATX='' POINTSATY='' POINTSATZ='' PRESERVEALPHA='' PRESERVEASPECTRATIO='' PRIMITIVEUNITS='' REFX='' REFY='' REPEATCOUNT='' REPEATDUR='' REQUIREDEXTENSIONS='' REQUIREDFEATURES='' SPECULARCONSTANT='' SPECULAREXPONENT='' SPREADMETHOD='' STARTOFFSET='' STDDEVIATION='' STITCHTILES='' SURFACESCALE='' SYSTEMLANGUAGE='' TABLEVALUES='' TARGETX='' TARGETY='' TEXTLENGTH='' VIEWBOX='' VIEWTARGET='' XCHANNELSELECTOR='' YCHANNELSELECTOR='' ZOOMANDPAN=''></SVG> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | ATTRIBUTENAME="" | ATTRIBUTETYPE="" | BASEFREQUENCY="" | BASEPROFILE="" | CALCMODE="" | CLIPPATHUNITS="" | DIFFUSECONSTANT="" | EDGEMODE="" | EXTERNALRESOURCESREQUIRED="" | FILTERRES="" | FILTERUNITS="" | GLYPHREF="" | GRADIENTTRANSFORM="" | GRADIENTUNITS="" | KERNELMATRIX="" | KERNELUNITLENGTH="" | KEYPOINTS="" | KEYSPLINES="" | KEYTIMES="" | LENGTHADJUST="" | LIMITINGCONEANGLE="" | MARKERHEIGHT="" | MARKERUNITS="" | MARKERWIDTH="" | MASKCONTENTUNITS="" | MASKUNITS="" | NUMOCTAVES="" | PATHLENGTH="" | PATTERNCONTENTUNITS="" | PATTERNTRANSFORM="" | PATTERNUNITS="" | POINTSATX="" | POINTSATY="" | POINTSATZ="" | PRESERVEALPHA="" | PRESERVEASPECTRATIO="" | PRIMITIVEUNITS="" | REFX="" | REFY="" | REPEATCOUNT="" | REPEATDUR="" | REQUIREDEXTENSIONS="" | REQUIREDFEATURES="" | SPECULARCONSTANT="" | SPECULAREXPONENT="" | SPREADMETHOD="" | STARTOFFSET="" | STDDEVIATION="" | STITCHTILES="" | SURFACESCALE="" | SYSTEMLANGUAGE="" | TABLEVALUES="" | TARGETX="" | TARGETY="" | TEXTLENGTH="" | VIEWBOX="" | VIEWTARGET="" | XCHANNELSELECTOR="" | YCHANNELSELECTOR="" | ZOOMANDPAN="" | contentScriptType="" | contentStyleType="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | attributeName="" | attributeType="" | baseFrequency="" | baseProfile="" | calcMode="" | clipPathUnits="" | contentScriptType="" | contentStyleType="" | diffuseConstant="" | edgeMode="" | externalResourcesRequired="" | filterRes="" | filterUnits="" | glyphRef="" | gradientTransform="" | gradientUnits="" | kernelMatrix="" | kernelUnitLength="" | keyPoints="" | keySplines="" | keyTimes="" | lengthAdjust="" | limitingConeAngle="" | markerHeight="" | markerUnits="" | markerWidth="" | maskContentUnits="" | maskUnits="" | numOctaves="" | pathLength="" | patternContentUnits="" | patternTransform="" | patternUnits="" | pointsAtX="" | pointsAtY="" | pointsAtZ="" | preserveAlpha="" | preserveAspectRatio="" | primitiveUnits="" | refX="" | refY="" | repeatCount="" | repeatDur="" | requiredExtensions="" | requiredFeatures="" | specularConstant="" | specularExponent="" | spreadMethod="" | startOffset="" | stdDeviation="" | stitchTiles="" | surfaceScale="" | systemLanguage="" | tableValues="" | targetX="" | targetY="" | textLength="" | viewBox="" | viewTarget="" | xChannelSelector="" | yChannelSelector="" | zoomAndPan="" Test 2 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><svg attributename='' attributetype='' basefrequency='' baseprofile='' calcmode='' clippathunits='' contentscripttype='' contentstyletype='' diffuseconstant='' edgemode='' externalresourcesrequired='' filterres='' filterunits='' glyphref='' gradienttransform='' gradientunits='' kernelmatrix='' kernelunitlength='' keypoints='' keysplines='' keytimes='' lengthadjust='' limitingconeangle='' markerheight='' markerunits='' markerwidth='' maskcontentunits='' maskunits='' numoctaves='' pathlength='' patterncontentunits='' patterntransform='' patternunits='' pointsatx='' pointsaty='' pointsatz='' preservealpha='' preserveaspectratio='' primitiveunits='' refx='' refy='' repeatcount='' repeatdur='' requiredextensions='' requiredfeatures='' specularconstant='' specularexponent='' spreadmethod='' startoffset='' stddeviation='' stitchtiles='' surfacescale='' systemlanguage='' tablevalues='' targetx='' targety='' textlength='' viewbox='' viewtarget='' xchannelselector='' ychannelselector='' zoomandpan=''></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | attributename="" | attributetype="" | basefrequency="" | baseprofile="" | calcmode="" | clippathunits="" | contentScriptType="" | contentStyleType="" | diffuseconstant="" | edgemode="" | externalresourcesrequired="" | filterres="" | filterunits="" | glyphref="" | gradienttransform="" | gradientunits="" | kernelmatrix="" | kernelunitlength="" | keypoints="" | keysplines="" | keytimes="" | lengthadjust="" | limitingconeangle="" | markerheight="" | markerunits="" | markerwidth="" | maskcontentunits="" | maskunits="" | numoctaves="" | pathlength="" | patterncontentunits="" | patterntransform="" | patternunits="" | pointsatx="" | pointsaty="" | pointsatz="" | preservealpha="" | preserveaspectratio="" | primitiveunits="" | refx="" | refy="" | repeatcount="" | repeatdur="" | requiredextensions="" | requiredfeatures="" | specularconstant="" | specularexponent="" | spreadmethod="" | startoffset="" | stddeviation="" | stitchtiles="" | surfacescale="" | systemlanguage="" | tablevalues="" | targetx="" | targety="" | textlength="" | viewbox="" | viewtarget="" | xchannelselector="" | ychannelselector="" | zoomandpan="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | attributeName="" | attributeType="" | baseFrequency="" | baseProfile="" | calcMode="" | clipPathUnits="" | contentScriptType="" | contentStyleType="" | diffuseConstant="" | edgeMode="" | externalResourcesRequired="" | filterRes="" | filterUnits="" | glyphRef="" | gradientTransform="" | gradientUnits="" | kernelMatrix="" | kernelUnitLength="" | keyPoints="" | keySplines="" | keyTimes="" | lengthAdjust="" | limitingConeAngle="" | markerHeight="" | markerUnits="" | markerWidth="" | maskContentUnits="" | maskUnits="" | numOctaves="" | pathLength="" | patternContentUnits="" | patternTransform="" | patternUnits="" | pointsAtX="" | pointsAtY="" | pointsAtZ="" | preserveAlpha="" | preserveAspectRatio="" | primitiveUnits="" | refX="" | refY="" | repeatCount="" | repeatDur="" | requiredExtensions="" | requiredFeatures="" | specularConstant="" | specularExponent="" | spreadMethod="" | startOffset="" | stdDeviation="" | stitchTiles="" | surfaceScale="" | systemLanguage="" | tableValues="" | targetX="" | targetY="" | textLength="" | viewBox="" | viewTarget="" | xChannelSelector="" | yChannelSelector="" | zoomAndPan="" Test 3 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><math attributeName='' attributeType='' baseFrequency='' baseProfile='' calcMode='' clipPathUnits='' contentScriptType='' contentStyleType='' diffuseConstant='' edgeMode='' externalResourcesRequired='' filterRes='' filterUnits='' glyphRef='' gradientTransform='' gradientUnits='' kernelMatrix='' kernelUnitLength='' keyPoints='' keySplines='' keyTimes='' lengthAdjust='' limitingConeAngle='' markerHeight='' markerUnits='' markerWidth='' maskContentUnits='' maskUnits='' numOctaves='' pathLength='' patternContentUnits='' patternTransform='' patternUnits='' pointsAtX='' pointsAtY='' pointsAtZ='' preserveAlpha='' preserveAspectRatio='' primitiveUnits='' refX='' refY='' repeatCount='' repeatDur='' requiredExtensions='' requiredFeatures='' specularConstant='' specularExponent='' spreadMethod='' startOffset='' stdDeviation='' stitchTiles='' surfaceScale='' systemLanguage='' tableValues='' targetX='' targetY='' textLength='' viewBox='' viewTarget='' xChannelSelector='' yChannelSelector='' zoomAndPan=''></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math> | attributeName="" | attributeType="" | baseFrequency="" | baseProfile="" | calcMode="" | clipPathUnits="" | contentScriptType="" | contentStyleType="" | diffuseConstant="" | edgeMode="" | externalResourcesRequired="" | filterRes="" | filterUnits="" | glyphRef="" | gradientTransform="" | gradientUnits="" | kernelMatrix="" | kernelUnitLength="" | keyPoints="" | keySplines="" | keyTimes="" | lengthAdjust="" | limitingConeAngle="" | markerHeight="" | markerUnits="" | markerWidth="" | maskContentUnits="" | maskUnits="" | numOctaves="" | pathLength="" | patternContentUnits="" | patternTransform="" | patternUnits="" | pointsAtX="" | pointsAtY="" | pointsAtZ="" | preserveAlpha="" | preserveAspectRatio="" | primitiveUnits="" | refX="" | refY="" | repeatCount="" | repeatDur="" | requiredExtensions="" | requiredFeatures="" | specularConstant="" | specularExponent="" | spreadMethod="" | startOffset="" | stdDeviation="" | stitchTiles="" | surfaceScale="" | systemLanguage="" | tableValues="" | targetX="" | targetY="" | textLength="" | viewBox="" | viewTarget="" | xChannelSelector="" | yChannelSelector="" | zoomAndPan="" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | attributename="" | attributetype="" | basefrequency="" | baseprofile="" | calcmode="" | clippathunits="" | contentscripttype="" | contentstyletype="" | diffuseconstant="" | edgemode="" | externalresourcesrequired="" | filterres="" | filterunits="" | glyphref="" | gradienttransform="" | gradientunits="" | kernelmatrix="" | kernelunitlength="" | keypoints="" | keysplines="" | keytimes="" | lengthadjust="" | limitingconeangle="" | markerheight="" | markerunits="" | markerwidth="" | maskcontentunits="" | maskunits="" | numoctaves="" | pathlength="" | patterncontentunits="" | patterntransform="" | patternunits="" | pointsatx="" | pointsaty="" | pointsatz="" | preservealpha="" | preserveaspectratio="" | primitiveunits="" | refx="" | refy="" | repeatcount="" | repeatdur="" | requiredextensions="" | requiredfeatures="" | specularconstant="" | specularexponent="" | spreadmethod="" | startoffset="" | stddeviation="" | stitchtiles="" | surfacescale="" | systemlanguage="" | tablevalues="" | targetx="" | targety="" | textlength="" | viewbox="" | viewtarget="" | xchannelselector="" | ychannelselector="" | zoomandpan="" Test 4 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><altGlyph /><altGlyphDef /><altGlyphItem /><animateColor /><animateMotion /><animateTransform /><clipPath /><feBlend /><feColorMatrix /><feComponentTransfer /><feComposite /><feConvolveMatrix /><feDiffuseLighting /><feDisplacementMap /><feDistantLight /><feFlood /><feFuncA /><feFuncB /><feFuncG /><feFuncR /><feGaussianBlur /><feImage /><feMerge /><feMergeNode /><feMorphology /><feOffset /><fePointLight /><feSpecularLighting /><feSpotLight /><feTile /><feTurbulence /><foreignObject /><glyphRef /><linearGradient /><radialGradient /><textPath /></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Test 5 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><altglyph /><altglyphdef /><altglyphitem /><animatecolor /><animatemotion /><animatetransform /><clippath /><feblend /><fecolormatrix /><fecomponenttransfer /><fecomposite /><feconvolvematrix /><fediffuselighting /><fedisplacementmap /><fedistantlight /><feflood /><fefunca /><fefuncb /><fefuncg /><fefuncr /><fegaussianblur /><feimage /><femerge /><femergenode /><femorphology /><feoffset /><fepointlight /><fespecularlighting /><fespotlight /><fetile /><feturbulence /><foreignobject /><glyphref /><lineargradient /><radialgradient /><textpath /></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Test 6 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><BODY><SVG><ALTGLYPH /><ALTGLYPHDEF /><ALTGLYPHITEM /><ANIMATECOLOR /><ANIMATEMOTION /><ANIMATETRANSFORM /><CLIPPATH /><FEBLEND /><FECOLORMATRIX /><FECOMPONENTTRANSFER /><FECOMPOSITE /><FECONVOLVEMATRIX /><FEDIFFUSELIGHTING /><FEDISPLACEMENTMAP /><FEDISTANTLIGHT /><FEFLOOD /><FEFUNCA /><FEFUNCB /><FEFUNCG /><FEFUNCR /><FEGAUSSIANBLUR /><FEIMAGE /><FEMERGE /><FEMERGENODE /><FEMORPHOLOGY /><FEOFFSET /><FEPOINTLIGHT /><FESPECULARLIGHTING /><FESPOTLIGHT /><FETILE /><FETURBULENCE /><FOREIGNOBJECT /><GLYPHREF /><LINEARGRADIENT /><RADIALGRADIENT /><TEXTPATH /></SVG> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg altGlyph> | <svg altGlyphDef> | <svg altGlyphItem> | <svg animateColor> | <svg animateMotion> | <svg animateTransform> | <svg clipPath> | <svg feBlend> | <svg feColorMatrix> | <svg feComponentTransfer> | <svg feComposite> | <svg feConvolveMatrix> | <svg feDiffuseLighting> | <svg feDisplacementMap> | <svg feDistantLight> | <svg feFlood> | <svg feFuncA> | <svg feFuncB> | <svg feFuncG> | <svg feFuncR> | <svg feGaussianBlur> | <svg feImage> | <svg feMerge> | <svg feMergeNode> | <svg feMorphology> | <svg feOffset> | <svg fePointLight> | <svg feSpecularLighting> | <svg feSpotLight> | <svg feTile> | <svg feTurbulence> | <svg foreignObject> | <svg glyphRef> | <svg linearGradient> | <svg radialGradient> | <svg textPath> Test 7 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><math><altGlyph /><altGlyphDef /><altGlyphItem /><animateColor /><animateMotion /><animateTransform /><clipPath /><feBlend /><feColorMatrix /><feComponentTransfer /><feComposite /><feConvolveMatrix /><feDiffuseLighting /><feDisplacementMap /><feDistantLight /><feFlood /><feFuncA /><feFuncB /><feFuncG /><feFuncR /><feGaussianBlur /><feImage /><feMerge /><feMergeNode /><feMorphology /><feOffset /><fePointLight /><feSpecularLighting /><feSpotLight /><feTile /><feTurbulence /><foreignObject /><glyphRef /><linearGradient /><radialGradient /><textPath /></math> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math> | <altGlyph> | <altGlyphDef> | <altGlyphItem> | <animateColor> | <animateMotion> | <animateTransform> | <clipPath> | <feBlend> | <feColorMatrix> | <feComponentTransfer> | <feComposite> | <feConvolveMatrix> | <feDiffuseLighting> | <feDisplacementMap> | <feDistantLight> | <feFlood> | <feFuncA> | <feFuncB> | <feFuncG> | <feFuncR> | <feGaussianBlur> | <feImage> | <feMerge> | <feMergeNode> | <feMorphology> | <feOffset> | <fePointLight> | <feSpecularLighting> | <feSpotLight> | <feTile> | <feTurbulence> | <foreignObject> | <glyphRef> | <linearGradient> | <radialGradient> | <textPath> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <math math> | <math altglyph> | <math altglyphdef> | <math altglyphitem> | <math animatecolor> | <math animatemotion> | <math animatetransform> | <math clippath> | <math feblend> | <math fecolormatrix> | <math fecomponenttransfer> | <math fecomposite> | <math feconvolvematrix> | <math fediffuselighting> | <math fedisplacementmap> | <math fedistantlight> | <math feflood> | <math fefunca> | <math fefuncb> | <math fefuncg> | <math fefuncr> | <math fegaussianblur> | <math feimage> | <math femerge> | <math femergenode> | <math femorphology> | <math feoffset> | <math fepointlight> | <math fespecularlighting> | <math fespotlight> | <math fetile> | <math feturbulence> | <math foreignobject> | <math glyphref> | <math lineargradient> | <math radialgradient> | <math textpath> Test 8 of 8 in data/tests11.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><solidColor /></svg> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <solidColor> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <svg svg> | <svg solidcolor> data/tests12.dat: 1 Test 1 of 1 in data/tests12.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><body>foo<math><mtext><i>baz</i></mtext><annotation-xml><svg><desc><b>eggs</b></desc><g><foreignObject><P>spam<TABLE><tr><td><img></td></table></foreignObject></g><g>quux</g></svg></annotation-xml></math>bar Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "foo" | <math> | <mtext> | <i> | "baz" | <annotation-xml> | <svg svg> | <svg desc> | <b> | "eggs" | <svg g> | <svg foreignObject> | <P> | "spam" | <TABLE> | <tr> | <td> | <img> | <img> | <tr> | <img> | <P> | <tr> | <img> | <P> | <tr> | <img> | <svg g> | "quux" | <P> | <tr> | <img> | <P> | <tr> | <img> | <P> | <tr> | <img> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "foo" | <math math> | <math mtext> | <i> | "baz" | <math annotation-xml> | <svg svg> | <svg desc> | <b> | "eggs" | <svg g> | <svg foreignObject> | <p> | "spam" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <img> | <svg g> | "quux" | "bar" data/tests14.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Test 1 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body><xyz:abc></xyz:abc><span></span> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <abc> | <span> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <xyz:abc> | <span> Test 2 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><html abc:def=gh><xyz:abc></xyz:abc> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <abc> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | abc:def="gh" | <head> | <body> | <xyz:abc> Test 3 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html xml:lang=bar><html xml:lang=foo> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | xml:lang="" | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | xml:lang="bar" | <head> | <body> Test 4 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html 123=456> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | 123="456" | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | 123="456" | <head> | <body> Test 5 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html 123=456><html 789=012> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | 123="456" | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | 123="456" | 789="012" | <head> | <body> Test 6 of 6 in data/tests14.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body 789=012> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | 789="012" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | 789="012" data/tests15.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Test 1 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <p><b><i><u></p> <p>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <b> | <i> | <u> | <b> | <i> | <u> | <p> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <p> | <b> | <i> | <u> | <b> | <i> | <u> | " " | <p> | "X" Test 2 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html></html> <head> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | " " Test 3 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html></body><meta> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <meta> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <meta> Test 4 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <html></html><!-- foo --> Got: | <html> | <head> | <!-- foo --> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <!-- foo --> Test 5 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html></body><title>X</title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <title> | "X" Test 6 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> X<meta></table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "X" | <meta> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | " X" | <meta> | <table> Test 7 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> x</table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "x" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | " x" | <table> Test 8 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> x </table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "x " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | " x " | <table> Test 9 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><tr> x</table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <> | "x" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | " x" | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> Test 10 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table>X<style> <tr>x </style> </table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> | "X" | <style> | " <tr>x " | " " Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | "X" | <table> | <style> | " <tr>x " | " " Test 11 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><div><table><a>foo</a> <tr><td>bar</td> </tr></table></div> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | <table> | <> | <a> | "foo" | " " | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "bar" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <div> | <a> | "foo" | <table> | " " | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | "bar" | " " Test 12 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <frame></frame></frame><frameset><frame><frameset><frame></frameset><noframes></frameset><noframes> Got: | <FRAME> | </FRAME> | </FRAME> | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <frame> | <frame> | <head> | <title> | <noframes> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <frameset> | <frame> | <frameset> | <frame> | <noframes> | "</frameset><noframes>" Test 13 of 13 in data/tests15.dat failed. Input: <!DOCTYPE html><object></html> Got: | <!-- DOCTYPE html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <object> | altHtml="</html>" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <object> data/tests16.dat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188 Test 1 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script>a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "a" | <body> Test 2 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script>< Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<" | <body> Test 3 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</" | <body> Test 4 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></S Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</S" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</S" | <body> Test 5 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SC Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SC" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SC" | <body> Test 6 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SCR Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCR" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCR" | <body> Test 7 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SCRI Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRI" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRI" | <body> Test 8 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SCRIP Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIP" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIP" | <body> Test 9 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SCRIPT Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIPT" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIPT" | <body> Test 10 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></SCRIPT Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIPT " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Test 11 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></s Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</s" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</s" | <body> Test 12 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></sc Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</sc" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</sc" | <body> Test 13 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></scr Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scr" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scr" | <body> Test 14 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></scri Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scri" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scri" | <body> Test 15 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></scrip Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scrip" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scrip" | <body> Test 16 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</script" | <body> Test 17 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script></script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Test 18 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><! Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!" | <body> Test 19 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!a" | <body> Test 20 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!- Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-" | <body> Test 21 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!-a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-a" | <body> Test 22 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!-- Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--" | <body> Test 23 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--a" | <body> Test 24 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--< Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<" | <body> Test 25 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<a" | <body> Test 26 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--</ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</" | <body> Test 27 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--</script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</script" | <body> Test 28 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--</script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--" | <body> Test 29 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<s Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<s" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<s" | <body> Test 30 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script" | <body> Test 31 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script " | <body> Test 32 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script < Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <" | <body> Test 33 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script <a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <a" | <body> Test 34 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </" | <body> Test 35 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </s Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </s" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </s" | <body> Test 36 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script" | <body> Test 37 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </scripta Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </scripta" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </scripta" | <body> Test 38 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 39 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script>" | <body> Test 40 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script/ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script/" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script/" | <body> Test 41 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script < Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <" | <body> Test 42 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script <a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <a" | <body> Test 43 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </" | <body> Test 44 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </script" | <body> Test 45 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 46 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script/ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </script/" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 47 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 48 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script - Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -" | <body> Test 49 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script -a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -a" | <body> Test 50 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script -< Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -<" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -<" | <body> Test 51 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script -- Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --" | <body> Test 52 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --a Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --a" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --a" | <body> Test 53 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --< Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --<" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --<" | <body> Test 54 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 55 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script -->< Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --><" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --><" | <body> Test 56 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --></ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></" | <body> Test 57 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></script" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></script" | <body> Test 58 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></script " | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 59 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script/ Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></script/" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 60 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 61 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script><\/script>--></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script><\/script>-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script><\/script>-->" | <body> Test 62 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt>--></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>-->" | <body> Test 63 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>" | <script> | </SCRIPT> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>" | <body> Test 64 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--</script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--" | <body> Test 65 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>-- ></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>" | <script> | <body> | "-- >" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>-- >" | <body> Test 66 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>- -></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>" | <script> | <body> | "- ->" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>- ->" | <body> Test 67 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>- - ></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>" | <script> | <body> | "- - >" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>- - >" | <body> Test 68 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>-></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>" | <script> | <body> | "->" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>->" | <body> Test 69 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script>--!></script>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>--!>" | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>--!></script>X" | <body> Test 70 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<scr'+'ipt></script>--></script> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<scr'+'ipt></script>-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<scr'+'ipt>" | <body> | "-->" Test 71 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>" | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X" | <body> Test 72 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--<style></style>--></style> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<style></style>-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<style>" | <body> | "-->" Test 73 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--</style>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--" | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--" | <body> | "X" Test 74 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--...</style>...--></style> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--...</style>...-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--..." | <body> | "...-->" Test 75 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style></style>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style>" | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style>" | <body> | "X" Test 76 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--...<style><!--...--!></style>--></style> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--...<style><!--...--!></style>-->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--...<style><!--...--!>" | <body> | "-->" Test 77 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style><!--...</style><!-- --><style>@import ...</style> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--...</style><!-- --><style>@import ..." | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--..." | <!-- --> | <style> | "@import ..." | <body> Test 78 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style>...<style><!--...</style><!-- --></style> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<style><!--...</style><!-- -->" | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<style><!--..." | <!-- --> | <body> Test 79 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><style>...<!--[if IE]><style>...</style>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<!--[if IE]><style>..." | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<!--[if IE]><style>..." | <body> | "X" Test 80 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><title><!--<title></title>--></title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "<!--<title>" | <body> | "-->" Test 81 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><title>&lt;/title></title> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "</title>" | <body> Test 82 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><title>foo/title><link></head><body>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <title> | "foo/title><link></head><body>X" | <body> Test 83 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noscript><!--<noscript></noscript>--></noscript> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<!--<noscript>" | <body> | "-->" Test 84 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noscript><!--</noscript>X<noscript>--></noscript> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<!--" | <body> | "X" | <noscript> | "-->" Test 85 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noscript><iframe></noscript>X Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<iframe>" | <body> | "X" Test 86 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noframes><!--<noframes></noframes>--></noframes> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | "<!--<noframes>" | <body> | "-->" Test 87 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noframes><body><script><!--...</script></body></noframes></html> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | "<body><script><!--...</script></body>" | <body> Test 88 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><textarea><!--<textarea></textarea>--></textarea> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "<!--<textarea></textarea>-->" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "<!--<textarea>" | "-->" Test 89 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><textarea>&lt;/textarea></textarea> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "</textarea>" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "</textarea>" Test 90 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><iframe><!--<iframe></iframe>--></iframe> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "<!--<iframe>" | "-->" Test 91 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><iframe>...<!--X->...<!--/X->...</iframe> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "...<!--X->...<!--/X->..." Test 92 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><xmp><!--<xmp></xmp>--></xmp> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <xmp> | "<!--<xmp></xmp>-->" Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <xmp> | "<!--<xmp>" | "-->" Test 93 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><noembed><!--<noembed></noembed>--></noembed> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <noembed> | <body> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <noembed> | "<!--<noembed>" | "-->" Test 95 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script>a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "a" | <body> Test 96 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script>< Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<" | <body> Test 97 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</" | <body> Test 98 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></S Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</S" | <body> Test 99 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></SC Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SC" | <body> Test 100 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></SCR Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCR" | <body> Test 101 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></SCRI Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRI" | <body> Test 102 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></SCRIP Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIP" | <body> Test 103 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></SCRIPT Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</SCRIPT" | <body> Test 105 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></s Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</s" | <body> Test 106 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></sc Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</sc" | <body> Test 107 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></scr Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scr" | <body> Test 108 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></scri Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scri" | <body> Test 109 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></scrip Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</scrip" | <body> Test 110 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script></script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "</script" | <body> Test 112 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><! Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!" | <body> Test 113 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!a" | <body> Test 114 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!- Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-" | <body> Test 115 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!-a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!-a" | <body> Test 116 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!-- Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--" | <body> Test 117 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--a" | <body> Test 118 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--< Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<" | <body> Test 119 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<a" | <body> Test 120 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--</ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</" | <body> Test 121 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--</script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--</script" | <body> Test 122 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--</script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--" | <body> Test 123 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<s Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<s" | <body> Test 124 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script" | <body> Test 125 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script " | <body> Test 126 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script < Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <" | <body> Test 127 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script <a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script <a" | <body> Test 128 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </" | <body> Test 129 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </s Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </s" | <body> Test 130 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script" | <body> Test 131 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </scripta Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </scripta" | <body> Test 132 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 133 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script>" | <body> Test 134 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script/ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script/" | <body> Test 135 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script < Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <" | <body> Test 136 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script <a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script <a" | <body> Test 137 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script </ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </" | <body> Test 138 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script </script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script </script" | <body> Test 139 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script </script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 140 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script </script/ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 141 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script </script </script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script </script " | <body> Test 142 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script - Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -" | <body> Test 143 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script -a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -a" | <body> Test 144 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script -- Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --" | <body> Test 145 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --a Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --a" | <body> Test 146 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 147 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script -->< Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --><" | <body> Test 148 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --></ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></" | <body> Test 149 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --></script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script --></script" | <body> Test 150 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --></script Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 151 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --></script/ Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 152 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script --></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script -->" | <body> Test 153 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script><\/script>--></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script><\/script>-->" | <body> Test 154 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt>--></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>-->" | <body> Test 155 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <script> | </SCRIPT> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>" | <body> Test 156 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--</script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--" | <body> Test 157 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script>-- ></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <script> | <body> | "-- >" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>-- >" | <body> Test 158 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script>- -></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <script> | <body> | "- ->" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>- ->" | <body> Test 159 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script>- - ></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <script> | <body> | "- - >" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>- - >" | <body> Test 160 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></script><script></script>-></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <script> | <body> | "->" | </SCRIPT> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></script><script></script>->" | <body> Test 161 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script>--!></script>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script>--!></script>X" | <body> Test 162 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<scr'+'ipt></script>--></script> Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<scr'+'ipt>" | <body> | "-->" Test 163 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <script> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <script> | "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X" | <body> Test 164 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--<style></style>--></style> Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<style>" | <body> | "-->" Test 165 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--</style>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--" | <body> | "X" Test 166 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--...</style>...--></style> Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--..." | <body> | "...-->" Test 167 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style></style>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style>" | <body> | "X" Test 168 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--...<style><!--...--!></style>--></style> Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--...<style><!--...--!>" | <body> | "-->" Test 169 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style><!--...</style><!-- --><style>@import ...</style> Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "<!--..." | <!-- --> | <style> | "@import ..." | <body> Test 170 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style>...<style><!--...</style><!-- --></style> Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<style><!--..." | <!-- --> | <body> Test 171 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <style>...<!--[if IE]><style>...</style>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <style> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <style> | "...<!--[if IE]><style>..." | <body> | "X" Test 172 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <title><!--<title></title>--></title> Got: | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "<!--<title>" | <body> | "-->" Test 173 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <title>&lt;/title></title> Got: | <html> | <head> | <title> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "</title>" | <body> Test 174 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <title>foo/title><link></head><body>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <title> | "foo/title><link></head><body>X" | <body> Test 175 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noscript><!--<noscript></noscript>--></noscript> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<!--<noscript>" | <body> | "-->" Test 176 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noscript><!--</noscript>X<noscript>--></noscript> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<!--" | <body> | "X" | <noscript> | "-->" Test 177 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noscript><iframe></noscript>X Got: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | <body> | "X" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noscript> | "<iframe>" | <body> | "X" Test 178 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noframes><!--<noframes></noframes>--></noframes> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | "<!--<noframes>" | <body> | "-->" Test 179 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noframes><body><script><!--...</script></body></noframes></html> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <noframes> | "<body><script><!--...</script></body>" | <body> Test 180 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <textarea><!--<textarea></textarea>--></textarea> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "<!--<textarea></textarea>-->" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <textarea> | "<!--<textarea>" | "-->" Test 182 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <iframe><!--<iframe></iframe>--></iframe> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "<!--<iframe>" | "-->" Test 183 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <iframe>...<!--X->...<!--/X->...</iframe> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <iframe> | "...<!--X->...<!--/X->..." Test 184 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <xmp><!--<xmp></xmp>--></xmp> Got: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <xmp> | "<!--<xmp></xmp>-->" Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <xmp> | "<!--<xmp>" | "-->" Test 185 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <noembed><!--<noembed></noembed>--></noembed> Got: | <html> | <head> | <noembed> | <body> Expected: | <html> | <head> | <body> | <noembed> | "<!--<noembed>" | "-->" Test 186 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | " " Test 187 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><table><td><span><font></span><span> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <span> | <font> | <font> | <span> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <table> | <tbody> | <tr> | <td> | <span> | <font> | <font> | <span> Test 188 of 188 in data/tests16.dat failed. Input: <!doctype html><form><table></form><form></table></form> Got: | <!-- doctype html --> | <html> | <head> | <form> | <form> | <body> | <table> | <body> | <table> | <form> | <form> Expected: | <!DOCTYPE html> | <html> | <head> | <body> | <form> | <table> | <form>